

The Professional Master's course in Management, Technology and Innovation in Urgency and Emergency - PROFURG is linked to the Department of Medicine (DMD) of the State University of Maringá.

PROFURG was approved by CAPES in October 2018 and the first class started in March 2019.

Currently, PROFURG has 10 permanent professors, of whom 9 are full-time and exclusively dedicated and two collaborating professors.

PROFURG consists of two lines of research, distributed in an area of concentration: "Management, technology and innovation in urgent and emergency services".

The Program will receive financial resources (scholarships and project financing) from Capes, CNPq and Fundação Araucária.


PROFURG aims to:

I. Develop innovative actions in the area of Health care for Urgency and Emergency, strengthening models of health-promoting assistance in different life cycles.

II. Train critical, creative and prepared professionals to transfer knowledge and develop new technologies to improve urgent and emergency care.
III. Analyze and scientifically interpret data that interferes in the health-disease process and management in the area of urgency and emergency.
IV. Exchange experiences between the different services that integrate urgent and emergency health care networks, at the Municipal, State and Federal levels.



Duration: minimum: 12 months; maximum: 24 months
Credits: 20 credits (3 compulsory subjects and 10 optional)
Each theoretical credit is equivalent to 15 hours and each practical credit is equivalent to 30 hours

The selection of students for the Master's occurs annually and comprises:
  1. Project submission (eliminatory);
  2. Written test involving understanding and interpretation of scientific literature text on a theme in the Health area (eliminatory);
  3. Interview, in which the proposal of the work, availability of the candidate to carry out the program's activities, the oral expression of ideas and the candidate's synthesis capacity will be analyzed;
  4. Curriculum analysis.